We make decisions in real time based on available credit data and, as a financial institution, we strive to ensure that we lend wisely. As such, at the time of making a purchase, we study both the ability of our customers to pay their debt and their credit history.

The following factors come into play when accepting or declining your purchase:

1. You need to be 18 or over to use our payment options.

2. You need to have a positive credit history. Plus, having a good record as a Zinia customer increases your chances of being approved, so don't miss any payments!

3. If you have outstanding payments from previous orders, you’ll need to pay them off first.

4. If the total amount in your shopping cart is too high, we may decline your purchase. In this case, remove some of the items and try again.

If you have any queries, you can call us on +49 216 1621 0029, email us at info.de@zinia.com or speak with us via the Zinia chat during our customer service hours (Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m).